Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Honeymoon of Elizabeth, Duchess of York

88 years ago and a plethora of photos!  Let's look back at the honeymoon of the future King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

Date:  April - May 1923
Place:  England and Scotland
Event:  Honeymoon of the Duke and Duchess of York (Elizabeth and Albert, later King George VI)

Elizabeth's honeymoon wardrobe was very much in the style of wedding dress--baggy and very ill-suited for her womanly figure.  Here, the newlyweds prepare to depart London for the first leg of their honeymoon at Broadlands.

Elizabeth's hat and outfit looks quite different from opposite angles--but it is the same outfit!

Once at Broadlands, the newlyweds posed for photographs playing golf and enjoying the grounds.

How sweet do the newlyweds look here?

In the next photo, the couple are seen leaving a church service at Bookham while on their honeymoon.

In the next photo, the Duke seems to be wearing identical clothes.  Indeed, Elizabeth's outfits appear at first glance to be the same but there are slight differences:  different handbags, different waistlines, a large front pleat in one skirt and not the other, and most noticeably quite different hats--the first being rather wide-brimmed and the second a smaller, cloche hat.  The second photo is believed to have been snapped at Glamis Castle, Elizabeth's home in Scotland, where she "unromantically" caught whooping cough.

As we will explore eventually here at Fashionably Royal, Elizabeth's style certainly evolved over time.  She eventually dumped the baggy, formless dresses seen in these early photos for much more becoming outfits.

Stay tuned to Fashionably Royal for more honeymoon fashions and the evolution of the Queen Mother's style!

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